Iced Teas for a Cool Summer

Iced Teas for a Cool Summer A glass of hot tea, drip of moisture build-up or condensation, equipped with a slice regarding lemon is an icon connected with relief from summer heat. A kind of oasis in a glass. An advanced tea lover adventurous, you can look at tea ramifications beyond the standard sun this summer. The following dishes give you a twist on hot tea, but the distinctive taste of tea is still well-known.

Iced Tea Smoothie
Makes 2 mugs
- The perfect smoothie for tea lovers.
1 cup double-strength chilled tea
½ cup lemon non-fat yogurt
Lemon slices
1. Blend tea and yogurt in a blender for 20 seconds.
2. Pour into chilled mugs and garnish with a slice of lemon.
Summer Tea Punch
Makes 24 punch cup servings
- A bubbly tea-based punch with zing.
2 cups very strong chilled tea
1 quart apple cider
¼ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 quart chilled ginger ale
Lemons, sliced thinly
1. Combine tea, cider and lemon juice in a punch bowl.
2. Just before serving, add ice cubes and stir in the ginger ale.
3. Top with lemon slices for garnish.
Flavored and Berry Ice Cubes
Keep your iced teas flavored frozen lemonade, pear nectar or your favorite juice within ice cube trays. Put these to your tea ice to keep the flavor after the ice have melted. Alternatively, position the raspberries 3 or 4 in each pocket ice cube tray. One time frozen, add cubes of varied berries to your glass regarding iced tea to add slightly fun and color.


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