The magnesium plays a fundamental role of "great equalizer" against the stress of all types (thermal, chemical or psychological). Under stress, we mobilize a lot of attention and energy to find an answer, a solution. This explains why we are more tired and therefore more vulnerable to attacks, especially infection. In addition, each stress situation (surprise, bad news, overwork …) we co commons a little more magnesium and end up running out. To improve our energy production and reduce our impact on stress, it is therefore essential to ensure good intakes of magnesium.
Where is it?
Firstly to get in mineralized water (Around 100 mg per liter). They can be used for hot and cold drinks, for soups, but also to cook foods that absorb much water as rice, other grains and pulses. They are also found in grain semi-complete or complete in the Pulses and soybean in the greens In the Oilseed (Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds …) and in Seafood.
Zinc to boost our antibody:
Zinc is the mineral most important defenses against infection. It is necessary for the production of our antibodies and white blood cells, our two main defenders. However, 80% of the population does not receive the recommended intake of 15 mg of zinc per day, and benefit the elderly, who consume less than others.
Where is it?
Zinc lies mainly in animal protein: White and red meats, fish, shellfish and seafood, eggs. As the zinc content in plants, it is very poorly absorbed by the body. Vegetarians and vegans should be even more careful not to run out.
Vitamin D for its preventive benefits:
For various reasons, some foods have undeniable qualities on immuno-nutrition. These include pomegranate juice or fermented papaya, the garlic of thyme (Also in infusion), or even maitake and shiitake mushrooms.
Vitamin D is best known for improving the binding of calcium on bone. It is commonly used in the prevention of rickets in babies and osteoporosis in the elderly. But new research has recently led to know that this vitamin also had qualities in the prevention of some common cancers (breast, prostate and colon) and diabetes, and it was essential for the proper functioning of white blood cells (them again) .
Where to find?
Vitamin D is found in very small quantities in most foods, except in Fatty fish (Salmon, sardines, tuna …) and oils that are extracted oil (cod liver oil, halibut …)
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